Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs is a federal program that helps students who are most at risk meet state academic standards and be proficient on state assessments. This program provides funding to districts and schools that can be used for professional development, extended-time programs, and other strategies to help raise achievement levels. Title I-A laws hold states, districts, and schools accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students.

Family and Community Engagement (FACE) plays an important role in the academic success of students. School, family, and community partnerships provide a circle of support for students to be successful today and in the future.
General Resources
- Sample Parent Notification for Teacher Qualifications
- Sample Parent Notification of Teacher Requirements 2nd Letter
- School-Family Engagement Plan Template
- School-Parent Compact Template
Students in foster care are one of the most vulnerable student subgroups within the state of Idaho. Requirements under Title I of ESEA, as amended by ESSA, highlight the need to provide educational stability for children in foster care. In order to meet these provisions, the Idaho Department of Education and the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare collaborate to ensure that students in foster care have the opportunity to achieve at the same high level as their peers.
These obligations emphasize the importance of limiting educational disruption by keeping children who move in foster care (due to entering the foster care system or changing placements) in their schools of origin, unless it is determined to be in their best interest to change schools. Also, these specifications include that if it is not in their best interest to remain in their schools of origin, children in foster care are enrolled in their new schools without delay.
Resource Files
General Resources
- Title I-A Annual Performance Report Instructions
- Title I-A Timeline
- USED Title I-A Carryover Limitation, August 2021