The purpose of Title II-A: Supporting Effective Instruction is to provide grants to State Educational Agencies (SEAs) and subgrants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs).
The Title II-A grants:
- Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders
- Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders
Educator Effectiveness
Educator Effectiveness promotes high quality principals, teachers, and effective instruction in Idaho’s PreK-12 schools to ensure that all students in the state are provided an excellent and equitable education. Educator Effectiveness provides guidance to school districts on implementing evaluation legislation and locally developed annual evaluations based on multiple measures, including student performance. Educator Effectiveness works to ensure that superintendents, principals, and teachers have the opportunity to attend high quality, relevant, and effective professional development trainings.
Idaho's effective teachers have the knowledge, skill, and commitment to create fair learning opportunities and growth for all students. They are dedicated to closing achievement gaps and preparing students for postsecondary success. These teachers are masters of their content and have the skills needed to create strategies that help students achieve academic success which enables them to be lifelong learners. (Adapted from the State of Colorado's definition of an Effective Teacher.)
The Charlotte Danielson Framework for teaching is the minimum standard for teacher evaluation adopted by Idaho public schools.
Idaho’s effective principals know they have an important role in helping both students and staff learn, grow, and achieve success. They focus on communication and collaboration to monitor student progress to help their schools improve. Effective principals use resources, create a vision, and share their values to lead their schools and obtain high student achievement. (Adapted from the State of Colorado's definition of Effective Principals.)
The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards are the minimum standards for principal evaluations adopted by Idaho. Administrators must also be proficient in conducting teacher evaluations using the Charlotte Danielson Framework.
Career Ladder Data System Application
The Career Ladder Data System (CLDS) provides the ability for a Local Education Agency (LEA) to submit and certify career ladder data, such as staff evaluation results for principals, pupil service staff members, and instructional staff. It also provides the ability for an LEA to submit recommendations for professional endorsements. Excel documents which outline all the data elements that need to be gathered and submitted, along with the User Guide, can be found on the application home page accessible using the link below:

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have specific questions about Title II-A grants, guidance, and/or professional development, please the Title II-A/Educator Effectiveness Coordinator.
Training Resources
Professional Development Opportunities
Administrator Renewal Courses
For information about the Certification Renewal Requirement, visit the Idaho State Board of Education website.
Note: 3 course credits are required for Administrator Renewal. Courses are available through several state universities. See contact information below.
For information and registration for the Effective Evaluation Modules 1-3 see the Events Calendar.
Additional Danielson Courses and Trainings
The Idaho Department of Education offers workshops for all educators on various topics surrounding the Danielson Framework for Teaching. One course credit is available for individuals who participate in two workshops. These credits do not fulfill Administrator Renewal course requirements.
For information and registration for these workshops, see the Events calendar.
Contact Carol Roessler for more information.
Alternate Professional Development Opportunities
Resource Links
Idaho Department of Education Links
General Links
- Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) – Enacted December 10, 2015
- Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments
- Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching