Idaho's System of Support and General Supervision is the framework that outlines our responsibility for enforcing the implementation of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and ensuring continuous improvement, resulting in;
- improved educational and functional outcomes for all children with disabilities,
- local education agencies (LEAs) meeting IDEA program requirements.
While monitoring compliance with IDEA requirements is critical to our role, we believe all monitoring activities should be accompanied by guidance, training, technical assistance, and follow-up.
We view our role in the Department as one of servant leadership. We recognize the grave importance of ensuring compliance with IDEA. We believe that the best and most effective way of fulfilling this obligation is to emphasize support and guidance for parents, teachers, and administrators who engage directly in the special education process. Our monitoring practices help us prioritize and target the support we provide.
This value is reflected in the abundance of resources available through our Idaho Special Education Support and Technical Assistance (SESTA) partners and the Idaho Training Clearinghouse (ITC). It is also reflected in our state-level spending practices and positive relationships with the State’s LEAs.
Resource Files
- Idaho's General Support and Supervision Handbook
- OSEP General Supervision Guidance
- OSEP Dear Colleague Letter
- Special Education Cohort List
Frequently Asked Questions
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Training Resources
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