The legislature finds that moving toward Mastery-based education where students progress as they demonstrate mastery of a subject or grade level is in the best interest of Idaho students.
Idaho Legislature, 33-1632, 2014
Mastery-based education empowers students, personalizes learning, supports the demonstration of competencies (the knowledge, skills, and personal attributes that lead to success), and recognizes mastery by allowing students to advance as they demonstrate their knowledge and skills regardless of time, place or pace.
“We must remember that intelligence is not enough, intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Key Idaho Resources Available to Anyone
- The Idaho Mastery-Based Education Framework, which guides all mastery related work in Idaho
- The Idaho College and Career Readiness Competencies
Additional Links
- Khan Academy's Sal Khan describes Competency-Based Education
- MIT's Professor Justin Reich explains key characteristics of Competency-Based Education
- “What IS the difference between competencies and standards?” By Sydney Schaef of reDesign
“If I could change anything about this project, I wouldn't change anything.”
– MV Mastery Student
With Mastery-Based Education, failure is not an option. Mastery systems give students the opportunities they need to demonstrate their competency with appropriate pacing and supports. Assessments are purposeful and demonstrate what students can do, not just what they know. Learning is flexible, self-paced, engaging, and focused on building skills critical to college, career, and life. Each local education agency has the freedom to create a plan that fits the needs and aspirations of their students.
Key Idaho Resources Available to Anyone
- The Staging Guide: Resources and indicators for educators implementing any component of the framework
- Guidance Document: Awarding credit for demonstration of mastery
- Crosswalk of the Framework with leading educational research, including the Danielson Framework for Learning, Marzano’s High Reliability Schools, and Professional Learning Communities.
Resource Files
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Moving toward Mastery-Based Education doesn't mean starting over or abandoning the important work you've already done. National research confirms most teachers already utilize mastery practices!
Organized by the Mastery-Based Education Framework, the shifts associated with moving to mastery are indicated below. To help recognize what the shifts look like in a learning environment each shift also includes system and student learning indicators. Whether or not you have been using one of the many names for mastery learning, let's identify where your current practices align and continue to build towards a student centered learning system. Eventually, each of these shifts will have practical professional development to better inform and support your transition.
Description: At its core, Mastery Learning is about recreating our education system to truly provide rich, multi-faceted, and numerous opportunities for all students to develop the skills, habits, and knowledge they need in order to thrive in college, careers, and life. Mastery-based education takes on the structural, systemic, and cultural inequities that bound and shape educators’ and young people's experiences in learning communities.
Moving toward Mastery-Based Education doesn't mean starting over or abandoning the important work you've already done. National research confirms most teachers already utilize mastery practices!
However, change is complicated and messy. The resources here will support your inquiry into mastery-based education.
General Links
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