High School Graduation Requirements
The Idaho State Board of Education has set standards for Idaho students graduating from an Idaho public school. The local school district may establish graduation requirement beyond the state minimum. For the most accurate information please consult your school.
State requirements include that all students:
- Take a minimum of 46 high school credits, which include 29 credits in core subjects
- Complete a senior project
- Complete a Government and Civics Proficiency
- Take six (6) credits of math
- Take six (6) credits of science
- Take nine (9) credits of Language Arts/Communications
- Take five (5) credits of Social Studies
- Take two (2) credits of Humanities
- Take one (1) credit of Health/Wellness
The rule also requires school districts to offer students at least one advanced opportunity, such as concurrent credit, Advanced Placement, or tech prep courses.
Students may be able participate in a flexible school schedule, graduate early or receive credit for extended learning opportunities.
Diploma Types
Learn about the STEM Diploma by viewing Idaho Statute § 33-532 and its benefits from the STEM Action Center.
Learn about the Workforce Readiness and Career Technical Education (CTE) Diploma by viewing Idaho Statute § 33-526 and the Idaho Division of Career Technical Education website for benefits and FAQs.