The Idaho Career Ready Students program increases the capacity of Career Technical Education (CTE) in Idaho middle and high schools (grades 7-12) by incentivizing districts to create programs that prepare students to meet local and regional industry and workforce needs.
Idaho Career Ready Students funds are separate from the Division of Career Technical Education and reduce the reliance on federal funds for CTE programming and the requirements attached to these federal funds.
Note: The ICRS Program application period is closed. The ICRS Council will consider reopening the application period during the August meeting.
- ICRS Proposal Guidelines & Documentation
- Idaho Career Ready Students FAQs
- ICRS Program Awards - February 16, 2024
On March 31, 2023, Governor Brad Little signed into law HB267 creating the Idaho Career Ready Students (ICRS) Program.
This historic investment in Career Technical Education created a program within the Idaho Department of Education for districts to expand and create CTE programs that prepare students to meet local and regional industry and workforce needs, starting at the 7th grade.
Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to:
- Capital expenditures needed to upgrade and expand existing CTE programs (e.g., machines, tools, and other one-time purchases).
- Capital costs associated with building programming and construction (e.g., architectural and design fees, actual construction costs, and costs to finish out an existing construction project).
- Initial investments to develop CTE programs specific to local region and job market (e.g., instructional and program promotion materials and supplies, consumable materials and supplies, and equipment specific to program instruction).
- CTE approved programs without added cost funds from the Division.
The Idaho Career Ready Students Council is established in Section 33-2214, Idaho Code. The council is comprised of eleven members and chaired by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The council's by-laws and operating procedures can be viewed here. The council will award grants on either an annual or multi-year basis, with preference given to proposals that:
- are responsive to community and statewide workforce needs;
- create partnerships with local industry and other stakeholders;
- propose a plan that is sustainable and meets local needs; and
- have challenges accessing resources to sustain high quality career technical programming.
Council Members
- Debbie Critchfield, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chair
- Joshua Whitworth, Interim State Administrator, Idaho Division of Career Technical Education
- Lex Godfrey, Secondary CTE Instructor, Career Technical Educators of Idaho
- Brandy Funk, Secondary CTE Instructor, Career Technical Educators of Idaho
- Rodney Farrington, Postsecondary CTE Instructor, Career Technical Educators of Idaho
- Robb Bloem, Representing Industry, Governor Appointment
- Dana Kirkham, Representing Industry, Governor Appointment
- Angelique Rood, Representing Industry, Governor Appointment
- Marie Price, Workforce Development Council
- Senator Kevin Cook, District 32, Idaho Senate
- Rep. Judy Boyle, District 9, Idaho House of Representatives