Safe & Drug Free Schools (SDFS) at the Idaho Department of Education helps districts and schools establish and maintain a safe and positive learning environment before, during, and after school. Students are far more likely to realize their academic and life skills potential in a supportive school climate that is safe and free from violence, drugs, and alcohol. Safe & Drug Free Schools provides technical assistance, guidance, and support on bullying, violence, drug, and alcohol prevention; addresses youth risk behaviors; and assists with emergency operations and crisis prevention.

Safe and Drug Free Schools Funding and Bullying Incident Reporting

The Idaho legislature has allocated funds for school districts and public charter schools to implement substance abuse prevention measures and school safety improvements. The funding is based upon a formula, the details to which are included within the SDFS Funding Application.

To access the SDFS Funding Application, you must request assignment of the SDFS User role from your district Admin Tool user.


Idaho Prevention Conference webpage link

IPSC Webpage

Resource Files

Frequently Asked Questions

Training Resources

Professional Development